

Hello! I am so excited to meet you, but first let me tell you a little about me!

I grew up in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania which is quite the opposite of New York City! So I am basically the definition of ‘small town girl moves to the big city’. Throughout my years in New York, I’ve been given opportunities to really experience the in’s and out’s of the service industry and meet so many creative, interesting people along the way. These experiences really deepened my passion to grow in an innovative field that is driven by the desire to create beautiful moments and bring joy to others. Quality time with family and friends is very important to me, so bringing people together for a special moment is something I have done all throughout my life. Whether it be a special occasion, holiday or just a couple of loved one’s who missed each other, I was always the point person for making it all happen. So when I decided to dive into the planning industry it felt so natural and fulfilling, and still does. I bring passion into every aspect of my life; whether it be training at the gym, cooking a delicious meal or simply answering some can guarantee I am excited.

My love for planning and connecting with beautiful people like yourself is the sunshine to my morning! I can’t wait to start this exciting journey with you and make a memory to last a lifetime.